Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chasing the Dream of Happiness

So many of us are caught up in the hassle and bustle of life that we forget the simple things that make us happy. Here are ten little things worth experiencing. Just do one and feel and sense the difference.

Chasing Your Dream of Happiness

1. Give Life Your Best Shot
Be willing to take on life and to live.  You write your own success story. You are the one responsible for all your successes.  Be willing to take responsibility for creating your happiness.  

2. Expand
Let your physical spiritual intellectual and emotional roots spread.  Being safe does not always equate with being happy.  Reach out and keep expanding beyond the limitations of your past and present. Allow yourself to live with passion.

3. Every day is precious
Make every day above ground unique and valuable.  Make each day a new day.  In your meetings with other people discover how different they are from your last meeting with them.

4 Nurture your Body
What do you need to do for your body to have it feel great? Do you need to be fitter?  How is your weight?  Too heavy?  Too light?  Muscle tone? Breathing easily?

5. Re-experience the common place 
Look at your ordinary tasks as if you are doing them for the first time. Be open for the unusual the different nuances the task or the experience gives you.  This may mean abandoning the TV booze or other anaesthetics.

6. Stay with Hope and Optimism
Hope feeds life’s vitality. Optimism with hope empower us to rise above gloom and the destructiveness and the lack of meaning and purpose which can surround us. Hope is moving away from observed objective neutrality to seeing where you deserve to be.

7. Appreciate Yourself
Focus on what you can be thankful for learn to appreciate of life flowing through you.  Avoid focusing on what you lack. Be thankful for the little gifts which the world gives you.

8. Regain your courage
Go beyond your own perceived limitations take more risks in doing the things which deserve to be done. Risk yourself and do what matters in making the whole of life’s experience more exciting.

9. Judge Less
Be less judgmental of yourself and of others. Ascribe the best of motivations to others rather than being critical and negative. Work yourself towards becoming more positive contented and more relaxed.

10. Be Open
Open up to life, love, people and events in life. Tune yourself to seeing the bizarre and unusual in the daily experience.

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