Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lets Ride the Handcart to Hell

Here we are once again riding on the hand cart to hell. North Korea wants to wipe out a goodly portion of the rest of the world. Meanwhile a goodly portion of the Democratic Republic of Korea are emaciated and starving. Not starving for entertainment or material goods. Just plain starving. At the same time the President of the US has the embarrassment of caving in to the GOP congress to attack their social security system and advance the US to the stage where older people may well starve.

Why? My simple take is that both nations are petrified of doing anything new. Bold frontal attacks on new ideas have to be avoided. North Korea does not dare  do what its mentor and sponsor China has done. China is embracing a market economy while suppressing some individuality and holding onto a social ideal of maintaining a  Confucian balance. Maybe North Korea lacks the Imperial Model of China? Therefore North Korea has fallen back to the old tried and true ruse of blaming every internal problem onto outside forces.

Meanwhile the US President has given in to his sponsors needs and demands. Leave the big money people and corporations alone. Work hard at reducing the power of the ordinary folk, forget about promises made, and be thankful that North Korea is blustering. Great to have an external enemy to blame. Great to have people forgetting mis matches oil spills and commitments made to pesticide companies. Great to bluster about a couple of third world countries attempting to build nuclear capacity.

Ironic to see the parallels between the two nations. One with suppressed people attempting to threaten the world. One with free people who believe they are suppressed and worried that someone will take their guns away. All the while China sits on the fence and watches and hopes that both will give up the  need to re-create a glorious past. The past is gone and the future hangs in the balance. No one seems to learn from the past.

The solution is simple but difficult. Both North Korea and the US should start negotiating again. No doubt they will. China has the most to lose. The idealogical gulf between North and South Korea is a barrier to unity with massive finical ramifications. However the South will generate the resources to allow unification to occur. But can the North cope with the loss of power and loss of face that the elite will have to overcome?

There we are the handcart to hell rumbles on with best promises broken and the wrong promises kept. It encounters the potholes and hazards of logical rational thought and evades them all. Politicians feed off the public trough and call on the old and weak to support the young and rich. Everywhere corporations tell us what to think, buy and believe.

I guess by next week all this would have become non issues. By next week our government here will again shoot itself in the foot and trivia will rule the news again.

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